Go Cry, Emo Party

Is there any way for Labour to regain any shred of credibility as a working class party, after the complete and utter fuckup they’ve made of things? Because if not, Labour is a dead party.

Well, possibly. First, if socialists rejoin the party en masse and use their heft to stack constituency and regional committees – a return to entryism, but in the open. Then if they get rid of Brown and an entire discredited generation of leadership, elect a new, visibly English (as opposed to Scots) and working class populist leader,

My money is still on Alan Johnson as leader. Johnson’s man-in-the-street qualities will serve Labour better in the media, a foil to the plummy Establishment Etonians who seem destined to have power (as so much else) dropped in their laps as an unearned benefit of the electorate’s reflexive disgust with the current government. The Tories have little in the way of actual policies – they are as frozen in the headlights of current world conditions as are all the other parties, and that they’ve done so well so far has been because of a mixture of expert media management and New Labour’s own exhausted disarray.

Politics in the next two years, if economic forecasts are accurate, is likely to become ever more class-based as those that have seek to hang on to what they’ve got and the less well-off, taxed beyond endurance, become more and more angry at the rich and those who enable them.

If the Labour party is to survive the left will have to rejoin the party en masse and force a generational putsch of Blairite/ Brownites. Co-opt the party to rescue the brand, in marketing terms; what other left organisation has the same brand presence? Why try to launch an alternative to Labour when the party is ripe for the plucking? There is a crying need for a party that’ll fight class war and which has an actual working class person leading it, rather than the closeted public schoolboys, incompetent Scots party droids, failed suburban solicitors and legacy Labour pubescents we’ve been subjected to so far.

But Emo Labour hasn’t got the gumption for root and branch reform to judge from the lame reaction by Brown and other Labour types on the news this morning. The only chance that Labour just might survive as an electoral force is if the real left get off their self-involved arses and take over a party that’s weak and ripe for the plucking, purge the Blairites and Brownites and force MPs to push through electoral reform pronto.

Hey, it could happen. I’m not holding my breath though. When push comes to shove most leftists would much rather wring their hands and talk theory on blogs than actually get out and do anything. But if Labour is about to be unelectable for yet another generation, the least the actual left can do is try and make it an opposition to reckon with.

Centre For American What?

Via Max Sawicky. I see that the Center for American Progress hosted a conference last week to examine

” how the United States can re-assert its leadership for a more peaceful, prosperous, and secure world. “.

Are you kidding me? Re-assert it’s leadership? Not “work with others on a multilateral approach to international peace and justice and clean up the godawful fucking mess we made”? That’s what I’d call progressive,

But no, as it always is, it’s all about asserting US dominance some more, which in case no-one noticed, is what got us into this mess to begin with.

Guess which ‘progressives’ CAP chose to lead the discussion?

Speakers included former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, former National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski, former NATO Supreme Allied Commander Wesley Clark, former Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle, former CIA Director John Deutch, former U.S. Ambassador to Israel and Egypt Daniel Kurtzer, former Secretary of Treasury Bob Rubin, Senator Gordon Smith, and former Deputy Commander, Headquarters U.S. European Command Charles Wald

Yeah, because they did such a brilliant job last time. Former director of the Trilateral Commission Brzezinski and Bush wiretap program supporter Tom Daschle are bad enough: but Madeline bloody Albright?

The woman who said this?

Lesley Stahl on U.S. sanctions against Iraq: We have heard that a half million children have died. I mean, that’s more children than died in Hiroshima. And, you know, is the price worth it?

Secretary of State Madeleine Albright: I think this is a very hard choice, but the price–we think the price is worth it.

–60 Minutes (5/12/96)

[My emphasis]

Wow, I bet that little gang have some new and inniovative political ideas like… er….er… I’m going to go and bang my head on the table for a while.

“Centre for American Progress” my ass; how about “Centre for American Exceptionalism and Hubris”? There you go, do-nothing centrist liberals, I fixed your elitist dem thinktank title for you.

Well, Since We’re Piling On…

In amongst the snark, sometimes Sadly, No makes a serious political point that cuts right to heart of current ‘progressive’ discourse: today it’s HTML Mencken (best blogonym evar) that’s taking on soft liberals, specifically Matt Yglesias:

But, you know, I’ll skip the thing about the war per se right now, and go to the other point this brings up: the definition of “Progressive.” I thought it meant something closer to ‘left-wing’ than ’sensible centrist.’ The cluelessness of some of these people with regard to their own position on the ideological spectrum simply astounds me. Yglesias, who has railed against left-populism, who is if anything to the right of Brad DeLong on free trade, who gave his blessing to a stupid fucking war, actually thinks he’s some kind of flaming lefty.

One of the many, many things that drives us real lefties (by which I mean those of us who don’t hesitate to descriobe ourselves as socialists as opposed to just playing one on the internets and who even join a socialist political party) is bloody, bloody US centrist ‘liberals’, especially those who describe themselves as ‘left’ or ‘progressive’ when they’re nothing of the sort – Like Yglesias and Kevin Drum to name two of the most prominent, who think their own mushy political tendency should have, by right, the lion’s share of the leftwing transatlantic discourse.

Well, they have had, and look where it’s got us.

There’s a lot of useless centrism about. That’s why we have two categories in our list, ‘Sensible liberals’ and ‘Democratic (In)action’ – and this gets filed under both. I’ll let HTML explain why:

Let me be helpful: Just because you fiercely oppose — so fucking belatedly — a certifiable crypto-fascist like George Bush does not make you George McGovern, or even FDR.

Gah. And look, here’s Kevin Drum calling himself a ‘Social Democrat.’ Hilarious. That’s even better than Brad Delong’s working definition of ’social democracy’ — a progressive taxation scheme and education spending.

If these people are social democrats, WTF do you have left to call the Swedes? If these are social democrats, then Greens must be… ooh, communists! Thanks for doing the wingnuts’ work truncating the ideological spectrum for them, nimrods!

Actually, General Glut was right so long ago: there isn’t a bit of difference between these people’s ideology and, say, John Anderson’s in 1980. They’re basically Rockefeller Republicans. Just the kind of folks wingnuts want as leaders of the opposition.

Sadly, yes.

No backbone, no gumption and fungible politics; always triangulating, always looking for the angle, never sticking to a political principle for more than 5 minutes at a time or until the next fashionable political buzzword comes along, whichever’s soonest – because of their self-absorbed political finagling, in which their future careers as pundits hold equal weight (and I’m being generous there, it’s probably more weight, if truth be told) with the future of the nation and the world, Bush has walked all over democracy, and they’ve let him.

They’re careerists pure and simple, who’ll say what’s necessary to advance said careers, and I hold them personally equally morally responsible, with the Republicans, for the godawful political mess we’re in.

No doubt there’ll be offended squeals from the sensible liberals over these attacks on their amour-propre. Tough titty. It’s been something I and many others on the European left have been saying for a long time and it’s good to see the US left awake to it too.

And yet for pointing this out those of us who are yer actual leftists get attacked by the reasonable liberals and the otherwise politically in tune yet persuadable that this is being uncivil and divisive.

T’ain’t us who’s divisive: the likes of Yglesias and Drum have been doing the Right’s job for it all this time with their support for the war, their counselling of ‘reasonability’ and their advocacy of arcane process politics, as if the Republicans haven’t just demolished the political process like a ten ton steamroller.

“Listen to us, we’re the reasonable people, not like those wild-eyed uncivil lefties!” – to deliberately disengage a huge swathe of politically sophisticated and committed people from your party by denigrating them as little more than online thugs – that’s divisive.

What you’ve got from all this is a compromised and powerless opposition party with the soft liberals in charge, useful tools every one. Does anyone really see the Democrats as anything more than than that? They’ve done effectively nothing since the midterms and if anything have enabled Bushco further. It’s their careers, see.

It’s been nothing short of infuriating to see suckup milquetoasts held up as the voice of the left when they’re the voice of what the US Right wants the left to be. There’s a reason their careers are going so well, and it’s because they’re saying what the Right wants them to.

But they still just don’t get it: useful they may have been but in the end to the Right we’re all the same – not them, ergo enemies. We’re all enemies if we disagree, whether we’re being their useful tools or not.

What the likes of these pundits have actually been doing all this time is little short of appeasing a quasi-fascist movement, and that makes them complicit in it. I’m sick to death of this “Not me, guv, I may’ve supported the war but I’m OK really” business. Too late, they should’ve thought on at the time. In supporting the war they enabled all the rest.

So don’t come running to the left when you need protection, kool kidz, we won’t be there for you. You weren’t there for us when we were the only ones telling the truth before the war; too interested in making a name, sucking up and getting the good gigs. Let’s see if your sparkling pundit/political consultancy careers keep you warm when it all goes to shit in DC.

21st Century America, or 1970’s Argentina?

Which fascist Banana Republic will torture and disappear anyone, even children as young as 7?

Is it Honduras? is it East Timor? Is it Cambodia, maybe? Or Nicaragua? What about Colombia then, ’cause that’s a bit nasty? Is it El bloody Salvador and the death squads again?

Answer; none of the above – for once – though that’s where the current practitioners got their very thorough training. Can you spell Negroponte?

But no, as you well knew, it’s the good old US of A, aided by it’s good buddies in the British government and the new EU accession countries.

Los Desaparecidos De Septiembre 11….

Rights Groups List 39 Disappeared In War On Terror

Six human rights groups urged the U.S. government on Thursday to name and explain the whereabouts of 39 people.


The United States has acknowledged detaining three of the 39. The groups said, however, that there was strong evidence, including witness testimony, of secret detention in 18 more cases and some evidence of secret detention in the remaining 18 cases.

Joanne Mariner of Human Rights Watch said it was unknown if the suspects were now in U.S. or foreign custody, or even alive or dead.

“We have families who have not seen their loved ones for years. They’ve literally disappeared,” Mariner told Reuters.

Among the cases detailed in the report is the detention in September 2002 of two children, then aged seven and nine, of confessed Sept. 11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, who was later detained and is now held at Guantanamo.

Read more

Like a puddle in the sun my residual sympathy for the mass of Americans who just sit by while their government is imprisoning, disappearing and torturing childreni, yet who gorge on paedophile-exposing reality tv shows like candy, is drying up.

The liberals are just as bad, thinking that a democratic candidate’s winning of the next election will solve everything, the white knight is on his way, the cavalry is coming, hurrah!, so they can sit back and wait for the Democratic groundswell to clear away all the murderous trash in DC.

What a copout.

I suspect their are millions worldwide, formerly well-disposed, who feel just like me. Not terrorists, not reflexively anti-american, just seriously pissed off and out of patience with the US government’s brutality and arrogance and it’s citizens’ apathy.

There’s another 2 years of this adminstration to come yet. If they’ll disappear and torture children, like the 60 in Guantanamo and the children abusd in Abu Ghraib that we do lnow about and then there’s the unknown and unnumbered ones that we don’t know about.

The Republicans will do anything, anything at all to grab and maintain power. If they’d imprison, torture and/or rape a child, what would they not do?

To stand idly by while they do this is to be complicit. All that it takes for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing, and so it’s proved.

I’d like to say you deserve what you get, but as it’s necessary to say again and again and again to Americans – it’s not all about you.

Unlike you the rest of us don’t even get the figleaf of a nominally democratic vote in the presidential election. We just have to deal with the fallout of your stupidity.

But hey, there’s plenty more diposable brown children. The stars and stripes forever, eh?

It’s The Secret Annexes, Dummies

TPM Muckraker has garnered opinions from various lawyers and civil liberties types (and a fat lot of good they’ve done us so far) who say that the Presidential directive I blogged about. the one that givies supreme power to Bush follwing any catastrophic incident at home or abroad (as defined by guess who, Bush.) is nothing to worry about. Nothing to see here, move along, you’re all a bunch of paranoids, calm down.

And I’m Marie of Rumania.

What’s important are the secret annexes to the order, the ones that are classified, the ones no-one’s allowed to see. These secret annexes:

23) Annex A and the classified Continuity Annexes, attached hereto, are hereby incorporated into and made a part of this directive.

But of course they’re not hereto attached.

Who knows what they actually say, but in the light of Bushco’s ongoing power grab I have a pretty good guess. Halliburton didn’t get that open-ended domestic detention centre contract for nuthin’.

Typical bloody soft centrists though, to assign benign motives to a president whose every action in office has been the very opposite of benign.

Did it not even occur to these experts to ask themselves, if they are still of the opinion that the order changes nothing: why now? Why issue it at all?

It’s all in the secret annexes, dummies. And we won’t see those until the Deciderer decides to decide he’s the Dictator (cue the manufactured attack by Iran) or Cheney executes his domestic coup, whichever comes soonest.

[Added to later because I thought it was skimpy]