Maths Comedy Double

Well, triple, actually. What the hell, quadruple. Quintuple even. I may be a little bit nerdy, but I still can’t add up.

First up, much obliged to the endless thread at Pharyngula for this clip, in which Abbott and Costello prove the fungibility of numbers:

Just to prove I’m down with the kids, some rap. First, quadratic equations:

Lamar Queen is a rapping 8th grade math teacher in Los Angeles:

Mr Purdy does the Dance of The Parallel Lines:

Why didn’t I ever have maths teachers like those two?

Sing it, nerd girl! Baby got back math:

But let’s not let the Merkins have all the maths glory.

I will derive, hey hey…wish he’d done it in the sparkly boobtube and rollerskates, though:

Go Aussies, with Pythagoras’ Theorem, TTTO Waltzing Matilda:

Bonus podcast link:

From the Mark Steel Lecture Series on the BBC here’s his lecture on Isaac Newton. 30 minutes of sciencey hilariousness.

Links For A Dull, Rainy Sunday

‘Nomnomnomnom’ goes the kitteh:

They could have turned off the Gulf oil leak like a tap. But they chose not to, and Obama was a wimp.

The Wall Street Journal reports that the well lacked a remote-control shut-off switch that is required by Brazil and Norway, two other major oil-producing nations. The switch, a back-up measure to shut off oil flow, would allow a crew to remotely shut off the well even if a rig was damaged or sunken. BP said it couldn’t explain why its primary shut-off measures did not work.

U.S. regulators considered requiring the mechanism several years ago. They decided against the measure when drilling companies protested, saying the cost was too high, the device was only questionably effective, and that primary shut-off measures were enough to control an oil spill. A 2001 industry report argued against the shut-off device:

“Significant doubts remain in regard to the ability of this type of system to provide a reliable emergency back-up control system during an actual well flowing incident.”

However, a spokeswoman for Norway’s Petroleum Safety Authority said the switches have “been seen as the most successful and effective option” in North Sea usage. Several oil producers, including Royal Dutch Shell, sometimes use the switch even when it is not required by country regulations.

(via Digby)

, cute baby badger alert. Talk to the paw… ’cause the ear isn’t there.

If you read nothing else on US politics today, readPapers, Please: Asserting White Supremacy Since 1492, a fantastic post from Jesus General on the naziesque ID laws passed by Arizona and the non-reaction of the allegedly libertarian teabaggers:

Even more noteworthy about all this is the reaction from the Tea Baggers — or perhaps I should say the lack of reaction from the Tea Baggers. We’ve sat through months of Tea Bagger complaints about government overreach and the threats to our liberty from government intrusions into our lives. In every case, there’s been little to no empirical evidence that their complaints were based on any reality.

The most generous perspective on those complaints is that the Tea Baggers bought into lies from Republican leaders who sought to increase their profile through fear mongering. A less generous perspective would be that they generally knew they were complaining about nonsense but did it anyway because it made them feel better because they didn’t have to admit openly that their real complaint was that a black man was in the White House.

So what are we to make about the overall lack of response to the Arizona “Papers, Please” law? Here is a genuine example of government overreach. Here is a genuine example of the government trying to infringe upon people’s individual liberties. Why aren’t the Tea Baggers protesting this? Why don’t large numbers of Tea Baggers go to the state capitol in Arizona with guns and threatening signs? Where are all the “Don’t Tread on Me” banners?

I don’t think that there is a “most generous” interpretation this time. It’s not plausible that the Tea Baggers are unaware of the law and it’s not plausible that they are unaware of how it will impact people’s lives. It seems to me that the only realistic interpretation is that they don’t care how the Arizona law will impact people because it won’t impact them or people like them — i.e., white people. Tea Baggers aren’t stupid and know just as well as the rest of us that white people won’t be stopped and asked for their papers like brown people will. More….

Rare Isotopes, The Future of Hiphop

Oh no. Not more physics rapping. Where will it all end?

She’s baaack! AlpineKat (a.k.a., Kate MacAlpine), that is, who gave us the Large Hadron Rap last year — currently viewed by over 5 million people on YouTube, and still counting. This time, she busts a rhyme over the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB), a new project of the DOE being bult at Michigan State University in East Lansing. MSU hosted an event this past week to celebrate the future of rare isotope research, and AlpineKat was on hand to debut her new rap in full HD version: three elevated screens 14 feet across, augmented by a cutting-edge sound system.

Via Twisted Physics